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Interlocking Floor-Quick Ribbed 400

Floor Maintenance:1. Never step on the court with athletic shoes with nails and high-heeled shoes in order to protect the athletes from hurt.2. Never knock on the flooring violently with sharp objects···


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Floor Maintenance:

1. Never step on the court with athletic shoes with nails and high-heeled shoes in order to protect the athletes from hurt.

2. Never knock on the flooring violently with sharp objects in order to avoid damages.

3. Never splash the corrosive liquids like sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid on the flooring in order to avoid any corrosion.

4. Clean up the snow promptly after snowing; and do not let the snow pile up for a long time on the flooring in order to avoid affection on the use.

5. Rinse the flooring with water frequently in order to maintain the cleanness.



+8613589212966 Peter@quickfloor.cn mailto:Peter@quickfloor.cn